Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Like I wouldn't kick ass at this

So here's a little test to see what you know about our lovely government.

I got 51 out of 54 (I'll tell you what ones I missed in comments) and I didn't google a damn thing.

I'm curious to see how you all do. Post results if you dare.


The Red Queen said...

So I missed

5a- I know what the document was I just can't remember the year. I do remember the century though.

32- I have never, ever been able to remember this number and I've been tested on it in several poly sci classes. I suck.

41- This was said 7 years before I was born and at least 12 years before I became a political creature (I remember the Carter/ Reagan election as the begining of my political life- I was 5).

DeeK said...

I scored the 50.5

but I misspelled Bernanke (I was close)

I answered lyndon johnso, and it scored me wrong on that

missed 'malice toward none'

I said congress instead of legislative (pllzzzz)

I said roberto gonzalez instead of alberto.

Of course, gor magna carta and 1215 right

DeeK said...

btw, matthew thorton, last signer of decl of independence signed in 1783, AFTER the British had lost. Brave man.

The Red Queen said...

malice towards none? Which question was that?

the Matthew Thorton thing was impressive though. Bonus points for you!

DeeK said...

42. The author of this..."With malice toward none; with charity for all."